譴責警察不仁不義無禮無知 曾偉雄必須立即下台

譴責警察不仁不義無禮無知 曾偉雄必須立即下台




警方在這次事件中,坐視手無寸鐵和平抗爭的學生和市民橫遭施暴而不理,惻忍之心闕如;坐視平日温柔婉約的女抗爭者橫遭非禮而不理,羞惡之心闕如;黑白顛倒, 施暴者可肆意逞兇反而得到釋放和保護,受害者竟橫遭扣押,是非之心闕如;至若其禮崩樂壞,對和平抗爭者動輒藉「垃圾」之類的污名以誣蔑之,辭讓之心亦闕如。因此,警方的不仁、不義、無禮、無知,在這次事件中表露無遺,令人痛心疾首,義憤填膺。





We, Civic Passion, are deeply angered by the Hong Kong Police's pre-meditated tolerance towards organised mobs who inflicted anarchic violence towards peaceful protesters in the afternoon and evening of 3rd October 2014. Commissioner of Police Tsang Wai Hung's culpability in all this is indisputable, and we call for him to apologise to the victims and to resign immediately. 

The street occupation movement that is now known as the Umbrella Revolution began on 28th September 2014, and on the sixth day since then, viz. 3rd October, violent mobbing broke out. Hundreds of thugs with suspected triad backgrounds emerged in Mong Kok, Causeway Bay, and Tsim Sha Tsui at almost the very same time, and began to inflict violence upon peaceful protesters occupying the streets, to wreak havoc on supplies stations and first-aid stations.

The ways the mobs inflicted violence were horrific. Students and fellow protesters were attacked and injured on their arms, their legs, their chests, their backs, and their heads; in the mean time, many female protesters were also sexually assaulted. The police’s reaction to all this was a total lack of reaction: they made no attempt to stop the violence, nor to arrest the thugs who were inflicting it. Instead, the police detained peaceful protesters, many of whom were victims of those attacks and sexual assaults. Some of those thugs were subdued and handed over to the police, who quickly released them. There were instances where a thug inflicted violence, was subdued and handed over to the police, and then was released multiple times; and there were instances where a thug, upon being released, got into a taxi and left under good protection by the police.

When peaceful protesters were attacked and injured by the mobs, the police—showing no empathy—stood by and watched; when women protesters were sexually assaulted, the police—showing no shame—stood by and watched; when violent mobs were running amok wreaking havoc, the police—showing no sense of right and wrong—detained the victims and released the perpetrators, protecting them all the way to safety; the police—showing no decency—even called the peaceful protestors dirty and hurtful names in the process of doing all this. The police knew no benevolence, no shame, no common decency, and no justice, and everyone who witnessed it was painfully angered.

What the police did yesterday showed that the Hong Kong government and all those in power treated Hongkongers openly like enemies, so we must bring them all to justice, to which Tsang Wai Hung, as their Commissioner, should in this capacity submit himself. He should apologise to the people of Hong Kong immediately, and resign immediately. 

Civic Passion
4th October 2014
