甫傳性醜聞 Kevin Spacey即道歉兼出櫃

甫傳性醜聞 Kevin Spacey即道歉兼出櫃

近期荷里活要聞首位定必是Harvey Weinstein一案,亦令娛樂界內外再次關注業內之不成文規則。更有好事者開始猜測,下一波所牽連的又會是誰?答案:Frank Underwood。

政客Frank Underwood於美劇《House of Cards》中是多麼的強勢,面對衝著自己而來的性醜聞與性指控,一樣從容不迫。而飾演此角爆紅的奧斯卡影帝Kevin Spacey,最近亦遭《Star Trek: Discovery》男星Anthony Rapp在一個訪問中指出,在自己還未成年的時候被對方性搔擾。面對這番指控,Kevin Spacey並沒有選擇為逾三十年前的錯失辯護,反而大方承錯,並且隨即宣佈出櫃。

上圖:自1995年起Anthony Rapp(桌上舞者)即為舞台劇《Rent》的核心演員,並於2009年參演同名音樂電影,大獲好評。(圖片來源:網絡)

現年46歲的Anthony Rapp接受Buzzfeed訪問時,指不單是女星,自己亦曾受性騷擾-- 1986年Kevin Spacey在家開派對,邀請14歲的Anthony Rapp作客,但當晚氣氛沈悶,於是Anthony逕自躲在房中看電視。午夜過後,大醉的Kevin走來向他施以「公主抱」,「我沒反抗,因為當其時他的行為令我摸不著頭腦。然後他伏在我身上。」(Buzzfeed原文:”He picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold. But I don’t, like, squirm away initially, because I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then he lays down on top of me.”)

「當時他想挑逗我。不知道這般描述是否恰當,但,我覺察到他欲與我發生性關係。」(Buzzfeed原文:“He was trying to seduce me,” Rapp said. “I don't know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.”)

上圖:Kevin Spacey於網上發表的聲明全文。(圖片來源:網絡)

訪問中更Anthony表示此次經歷對自己影響甚巨,對方在鎂光燈後的一舉一動,即使只是一篇報導,都會觸動他的神經,腦中泛起當晚情景。面對此番指控,雖然無講明到底當晚發生何事,但訪問一見街,Kevin Spacey即發聲明,表示記不起這件事,但如果屬實,必定為了自己酒後的不當行為向對方致以最深歉意。(Kevin Spacey聲明原文:“I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago. But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.”)

同時他又在聲明的第二段承認,自己雖然曾與異性及同性發展,但畢生摯愛是同性,故現選擇以同性戀者的身份生活。(Kevin Spacey聲明原文:”As those closest to me know, in my life I have had relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man. I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behaviour.”)

聲明一出,旋即引起熱議,皆因影帝之性取向多年來一直是同志界中的熱話;更有網民指Kevin Spacey果真得到Frank Underwood真傳,面對負面新聞反應之快,令他在大風暴來臨之前得以全身而退。不過兵貴神速,割蓆亦然,那邊廂Netflix隨即宣佈《House of Cards》於第六季之後完結。
